I understand weed,i don't love it,don't hate it but i fucking hate the culture associated with it.As Cher from Clueless put it:
"It is one thing to spark up a doobie and get laced at parties, but it is quite another to be fried all day."
I mean i laugh at all the stupid pot head movies,I find adult swim after midnight vaguely funny and I mean come on...some of the best Beatles music was made while they were tooooaasssted.But as soon as people start mass posting "Happy 420 best holiday ever" this is me

Best holiday ever really?I guess the fact that it's Hitlers bday and also the day that high school changed forever and we had to wear clear book bags from then on doesn't mean anything when there's weed to smoke.Yeah i went there!All I'm saying is April 20th is any other day,quit acting like your not going to get just as high tomorrow and the day after that,and the day after that.
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