I read the New York Times whenever i get the chance.I've been neglecting reading much of anything lately but but somehow i stumbled upon this.
First i must say that The NYT isn't generally a paper i take seriously by any means.Most of the time i find myself shaking my head and laughing out loud.I mean how can one paper manage to hate everything?And oh my God don't even ask me how many times ive seen the word "noir" in every section from Sunday Styles to Sports.My reaction to this article was a first,two paragraphs in i had to put the paper down and ask myself if i was being punked.
In case you are an A.D.D reader like myself let me give you the jist.Cintra Wilson of the New York Times is a ubersnob who thinks JC Penny is for fat tacky poor people.
Here are some highlights of this amazingly crafted article:
"...designers seem to be enjoying a post-shame era. Penney’s now carries I ♥ Ronson by Charlotte Ronson"
"A good 96 percent of the Penney’s inventory is made of polyester."
"It took me a long time to find a size 2 among the racks. There are, however, abundant size 10’s, 12’s and 16’s.'
"The petites section features a bounty of items for women nearly as wide as they are tall; the men’s Big & Tall section has shirts that could house two or three Shaquilles."
And lastly "It has the most obese mannequins I have ever seen... It’s like a headless wax museum devoted entirely to the cast of “Roseanne"
Yeah really.
Honestly i don't even know what to say.I think I'll just leave it for you to ponder.Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go do several lines of cocaine in hopes of losing enough weight to squeeze into a size 2.Because that's an attractive size right?And shit if i can't find anything at my local JC Penny then there's always the boys section at Baby Gap...
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