Anyway,being the huge geek i am i naturally went out on 09.09.09 to get the new BEATLES'S ROCK BAND!!!!Yes it deserves that many exclamation points dammit!

Let me tell you it's so amazing i could care less about how fangirl i sound right now.I mean i literally knew it would be a huge boner for us Beatles fans so i of course had to go to Walmart at an hour where only serial killers and rapists are out and about just to get my greedy little hands on it.
I think i may have been over estimating the amount of turn out a Walmart in the middle of little Puerto Rico,Kissimmee would have for this game by like a 1,000%.Me and my sister were there at 11:30PM expecting to get into a huge brawl with aged baby boomers but alas no,we were the only two there.Well closer to midnight there was this cute old lady buying one for her grandson,awwwwwww!She even asked me which one she should get and i did my civic duty for that kid and convinced her to get the most expensive hella awesome premium edition bundle.Good karma better come my way for that one,shit.
But I digress,the awesome.Not only because it follows the Beatles story from the Cavern Club to their Abbey Road days(which i haven't gotten to yet, but hopefully it will be happier in the game than in actuality)but also because the graphics make me feel like I'm on acid.There's also all these little prizes,rare pictures and behind the scenes stuff you win if you rule that shit like i do.
So all in all,I'm foaming at the mouth happy to have bought this little gem I've been anticipating for months.And if you're a nerd with 60-150 bucks to spare,go buy it!
I want to play!!!!!!!